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Thomas Boor


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Infos on IMS oriented, SIP-based VoIP-Solutions

All basics of SIP-based VoIP are defined in the RFCs from ietf. Some important rfcs are
See the ietf-RFCs for information on SIP-headers, messages and behaviour at For information on the IMS architecture, see at the creators of this, 3GPP.
The Specs of the 3GPP - called TS and TR - can be obtained from The specs from 3GPP.

One of the members of 3GPP is the European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI.
Specs for a NGN IMS can be downloaded from ETSI NGN

If an IMS should merge IP-based VoIP (a NGN IMS) with cellulars, have a look at oma (Open Mobile Alliance).
oma specifications related to an IMS can be obtained from oma ims specs.

See, where it works:
Large scale IMS-oriented, SIP-based VoIP-solutions or PBXes for company solutions? IBM ngn cc!

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